WYO Mean On Snapchat
Have you ever felt missed out when someone said WYO on Snapchat and you didn’t know what it means? There can be a lot of times when things like these can ruin your fun on this app. Well, we are here to take you out of that situation.
WYO Mean on Snapchat
WYO means What You On. You can use this acronym whenever you want to ask the other person what they are doing, what are their plans, or what they want to do if you want to hang out with them. Read our other blog to know GYAT mean.
Use WYO while chatting on Snapchat
While using WYO, you have to be clear about your intent. For example, if you want to know what are their plans, you can use it like this:
“Hey, I am planning to go out, WYO?”
In this example, you showed intent about going out and used WYO to see if they were willing to spend time with you or not.
Before, you didn’t know what this slang meant. But now, you know. So WYO? Are you going to feel left out if someone uses it with you? I bet you won’t.