What does ESB mean on Snapchat?
ESB man! What, you don’t know what it means? Don’t worry, we got you covered. This is one of the many slangs used in Snapchat specifically. So if you use this app, you might see this on someone’s story. Let’s see what it means and how you can respond to it.
ESB means “Everyone Snap Back.” A huge thing about Snapchat is maintaining streaks. If your streak is about to break with multiple people, and it is only them who can snap back and save your streak, this is one thing you can use to ask them to save the streak. Check if you want to know about WYO Mean on snapchat.
How to use and respond to ESB?
But how to use ESB effectively? If you want to save your streak with multiple people at the same time, all you have to do is put a story that says ESB. Or, you can also send a snap to everyone saying ESB.
Once you get this SOS call, the only response is to send a Snap back 😀 There is no middle ground.
Final words
When you get an ESB call, save the snap and let the fun continue. No one wants to break a streak, isn’t that right? We hope that you will be able to respond or send an ESB call and create the longest streak ever 🙂