TRU means on Snapchat

What does TUR means on snapchat

What does TRU mean on Snapchat? You might have come across someone typing TRU in a chat on SC and might not know its meaning. That is why you are here. It is impossible to understand the meaning of every slang, we get it. We have your back in this article. 

TRU means “truth.” It is as simple as it can get. We all know how fast-paced this world is, right? People are always in a hurry. That is why when you are chatting on Snapchat, you might use this instead of the whole word. 

How to use it?

TRU means truth. If someone says something and you want to agree with them, you can use this slang. 

For example, this is how you can do it:

Person 1: Hey man, I understand that she gets distracted from the phone calls, but teamwork is about communication.

You: TRU

Final Thoughts

Not everyone can know everything, TRU. But now you at least know what this means and in what situation or context you can use it. Hopefully, you learned something new about SC today. 

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