SB mean on Snapchat

What does SB means in snapchat

People do a lot of chatting and have come up with short forms for a lot of terms. TBH, it’s hard to keep track of all of them. If you came across SB and didn’t know what it meant, don’t worry. We have got your back, soldier boy! 

SB means “Snap Back,” and you use it when you want to either save a streak or want to create a streak with the other person. You might get SB in the chat. This acronym is exclusive to Snapchat. You will come across it for sure if you are an avid user of this app.

How to use it?

This is very simple to use. All you have to do is text SB and the other person will know what to do. But keep in mind that they can also ignore you if they don’t want to maintain streaks with you.

Happy to know about similar terms in Snapchat.

Final thoughts

Streaks can be addictive and fun. And that is why, you might feel the urge to say SB to every person you come across Snapchat. Now you know what to say when you want to save a streak or start one. 

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