Snap Streaks – Do you know enough?

A complete guide about snap streaks

If you are among 90% of the users who have Snapchat just for maintaining your snap streaks, this one is for you. You make a streak with your friend when you exchange snaps regularly daily. But there is a lot more to this than what meets the eye. Many users still might wonder about some questions like how can they see their streak score, what to do if it breaks, or how can be more creative when sending snaps for streaks. This page has all those answers.

What are Snapchat Streaks?

When two users send and receive snaps regularly, they are maintaining a streak. If you have completed this cycle of sending and receiving the snaps within 24 hours, you will see a fire icon with the digit “1” written beside it. This is a snap streak and you can increase this number as much as you want. All you have to do is keep sending each other these snaps for the rest of your lives.

Where can I see my snap streaks?

You can see if you have a streak going with your friend or not. All you have to do is look at your friend’s avatar and look for the fire icon beside his name. The fire icon indicates that you have a streak going on. And just on the side of that fire icon, you will see a number. This is the number of days you have kept the streak going. Apart from this fire icon, you will also see the 💯 icon when you have completed a century of these streaks with your friend. 

Share the streak with everyone

What happens when you want to share your outstanding streak number with your friends? It is easy. All you have to do is click on that friend’s avatar and go to the charm section. There you will see the streak option. Click on this and you will see an amazing graphic with you and your friend posting with the number of streaks you have achieved. Take a screenshot and show this to the world.

What not to do with the streaks

If you think you are good to go if you have sent the picture as chat, then you are wrong. This is the most basic thing that all of you must already know. But other things won’t count as a streak. Here are a few examples:

  • If you have sent a snap in a group, this won’t work
  • Posting stories doesn’t have anything to do with your streaks. 
  • If there are snaps as memories, you can send these memories to your friends. But this won’t count as a streak snap. 

Do all of this if you want to break your streak. But if you want to keep it, you better exchange some good snaps and videos.

What if the streak in going to break?

Now, what if the streak is going to break? We have already told you that an hourglass icon will appear beside the friend avatar. This usually happens at least 4 hours before the snap is about to break. However, no one knows the actual time frame for this. If you exchange a snap with each other on time, this will never happen.

Oh no, I broke my streak. What to do next?

Before, if you broke your streak, there was no way to recover it. All you could do was sulk thinking about the long streak you had developed with your BFF. However, the game has changed. Snapchat allows its users 5 chances per month to restore their broken streaks. Anything can happen, maybe you forgot the streak was going to break, or what if there was no internet? No matter what, you have 5 free chances. After this, you will have to pay the price to restore these streaks.


Snapchat streaks are a fun and engaging method to stay connected with friends daily, represented by a fire icon and the number of successive snaps that have been sent. They promote creativity and engagement, whether via images, films, or mini-games. Although some view Snapchat’s streak feature as a cunning ploy to increase user engagement, it has true value for many users who love the sense of connection with their friends. Snapchat streaks have become an important aspect of the app’s attractiveness.

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